Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Soon You Will Have the Darkness Announced by the Prophecies
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on December 16, 2024

Beloved daughter, it is with great joy that I come to you to dictate My heartfelt appeals to My people.
Beloved children, it is I Who speak to you, I am your God Love, the Creator: ...I am at the doors of your heart and I knock, open to Me so that I may make you known of Me, of My infinite Love for you. You are My children and I want to save you, allow Me to bring you back to Me.
This is an important Christmas for your conversion, O men, do not wait to miss this opportunity to return to the Father.
Israel thunders its power, it will endanger the lives of many men.
The nations will not stand by and watch.
The time has come to ask what you want to do, My children, I will intervene to make My children safe, be with Me to be in Me safe.
The sun is collapsing, soon you will have the darkness announced by the prophecies.
The Earth is at its convulsion, its birth will be terrible.
I warn this Humanity not to delay in conversion.
Pray, O men, plead for My mercy: do not be foolish, as a Father I long to bring you to Me.
The little remnant faithful to God will remain unharmed by the disasters that will come; be clasped to the Most Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Now the pressing persecutions of Christians will begin, but God the Father will intervene, the foolish will be exterminated, the world will know the power of God the Father! He is weary of waiting for the repentance of men, ...He will undermine many emperors from earthly thrones.
His righteousness is at the gates, do not dwell in sin, O men, the Truth is only in Me!
I AM! ONLY I AM! Your life belongs to Me, return to Me NOW! ...before it is too late.
Source: ➥